Business have successfully been using vehicle wrapping for the past 15 years but its only recently that end users have also seen the benefits of car wrapping thanks to the advances and colour finishes of the vinyl.
With so many vehicles with colourful wraps on the road it was only a matter of time before the public wised up to the world of vehicles wraps. People tend to get bored of with their cars and with the credit crunch buying a new car is just not affordable. So changing the colour of their car would add a new lease of life to the car and owner and the vinyl manufactures have geared up to the next generation of vehicle wrapping.
Whilst printable and self colour wrapping vinyl’s have been around for 15 years the unusual colours and finish are just at the beginning. There has been about 20% increase in enquires this year for matt finish wrap which probably started this all off a couple of years ago and carbon fibre effect is constantly been asked for but no vinyl was up to the job of a full wrap until now.
There is now a range of colour effect wrapping vinyl’s from fantastic pearl white and carbon white to a cost effective mirror chrome. I’m sure once the custom car market sees some of these then there will be a greater demand for more colour effect vinyl’s as wrapping is significantly cheaper than a re-spray and takes a fraction of the time and can be done many times.
Creative designers have also cottoned these new self coloured effect vinyl’s and to make the wraps more interesting are designing vehicles wraps which have a
combination of digital print and colour effect vinyl creating an even more eye catching design.
As printing costs have come down and speeded up, self adhesive vinyl’s are easier to install and remove many Blue Chip companies with fleets are frequently re-wrapping parts of their fleets to fit in with companies above the line advertising campaign.
Installation costs won’t come down much as it takes time and skill to wrap a vehicle but with more companies offering this service then this will give the consumer great choose and more locally.
Promotional vehicle wraps to support other field marketing campaigns is up 10% possibly down to becoming more affordable and vehicle rental Companies becoming more lenient to fully wrapping their vehicles. Field marketing gets to the very heart of target audiences and what better way to do this than a large double decker coach in the middle of the car park, or driving up and down the high street, you just can’t miss it!